Cancer Horoscope 18 Jan 2025
Avoid a serious attitude to life You may spend a lot today on small things around the house, which can mentally stress you out. You should do something exciting and different with people at home. Absence of love may be felt today. Good day for some recreation and entertainment. If you ignored small demands of your life-partner today like temptations for delicacies or just a hug, he/she might get hurt. If you have a melodious voice, then you can make your lover happy today by singing a song for him/her.
Lucky Number: 4 |
Cancer (♋) is an astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Cancer. It spans the 90-120th degree of the zodiac, between 90 and 125.25 degree of celestial longitude, which the Sun transits this area on average between June 22 to July 22 each year.
And under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from July 16 to August 15.