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Tarot Reading Free   Daily Astrology Horoscope
3/21 ~ 4/19
4/20 ~ 5/20
5/21 ~ 6/21
6/22 ~ 7/22
7/23 ~ 8/22
8/23 ~ 9/22
9/23 ~ 10/22
10/23 ~ 11/21
11/22 ~ 12/21
12/22 ~ 1/19
1/20 ~ 2/18
2/19 ~ 3/20
Aries Horoscope 27 Jul 2024

Take proper care about your diet especially migraine patients who should not miss their meal otherwise it could give them undue emotional stress. Do not take any step or act in such a manner which can cause financial loss today without the advice of an experienced person. Invitation in a award function of your child would be the source of happiness. You would likely to see your dream coming true as he lives upto your expectations. Love can drift you in a new world while standing at one place. It's the day when you will go on a romantic trip. Nothing is impossible as long as there's a will to overcome it. Things might come into your favor amazingly when it comes on your married life. Watching a movie with your loved ones may make this day fun filled and entertaining.

Lucky Number: 7
Aries (♈) (meaning "ram") is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude (0°≤ λ <30º), which area the Sun transits, on average, between March 21 to April 20 each year.

According to the Tropical system of astrology, the Sun enters the sign of Aries when it reaches the northern vernal equinox, which occurs around March 21. Due to the fact that the Earth takes approximately 365.25 days to go around the Sun, the precise time of the equinox is not the same each year, and generally will occur about 6 hours later each year, with a jump of a day (backwards) on leap years. Since 1900 the vernal equinox date ranged from March 20 at 08h (2000) to March 21 at 19h (1903) (all times UTC).

In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Aries from 15 April to 15 May (approximately).
Individuals born during these dates, depending on which system of astrology they subscribe to, may be called Arians or Ariens.
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