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Tarot Reading Free   Daily Astrology Horoscope
3/21 ~ 4/19
4/20 ~ 5/20
5/21 ~ 6/21
6/22 ~ 7/22
7/23 ~ 8/22
8/23 ~ 9/22
9/23 ~ 10/22
10/23 ~ 11/21
11/22 ~ 12/21
12/22 ~ 1/19
1/20 ~ 2/18
2/19 ~ 3/20
Aquarius Horoscope 12 Dec 2024

Tension at home would make you angry. Suppressing them would only increase physical problem. Get rid of it with physical activity. It is better to leave the irritating situation. Money position improves as delayed payments are recovered. News of matrimonial alliance of sister would make you make you happy. You are likely to feel some sadness as you think about separating from her. But you need to enjoy the present without caring for future. You can quarrel with your partner on this day just to prove yourself right. However, your partner will calm you down with better understanding. You might do something really awesome at work today. Someone closer to you will ask you to spend quality time with them, but due to scarcity of time, you won't be able to fulfil their wishes. This will upset you and them both. After a long time, you will get ample time to spend with your life partner.

Lucky Number: 3
Aquarius (♒) (Greek: Ύδροχόος, "Hudrokhoös", Latin: "Aquārius") is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation Aquarius. Although the dates vary depending on the year, the Tropical zodiac sign of Aquarius typically begins on the cusp day January 20 and ends on February 18.

Under the Sidereal Zodiac, the Sun is in the astrological sign of Aquarius from February 12 to 14 and leaves between March 8 and 10, depending on leap year.
ⓒ Tarot Readings Free, 2024