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Tarot Reading Free   Daily Astrology Horoscope
3/21 ~ 4/19
4/20 ~ 5/20
5/21 ~ 6/21
6/22 ~ 7/22
7/23 ~ 8/22
8/23 ~ 9/22
9/23 ~ 10/22
10/23 ~ 11/21
11/22 ~ 12/21
12/22 ~ 1/19
1/20 ~ 2/18
2/19 ~ 3/20
Aries Horoscope 11 May 2024

Keep your patience as your continuous effort coupled with common sense and understanding will guarantee your success. Today, you may remain worried due to money-related problems. For this, you should consult your trusted confidant. Blessing from an aged relative who seeks your efforts in solving personal problems. Your courage would win the love. You will make commitment to the people who look up to you for help. If you were feeling cursed since long, this is the day when you will feel blessed. Your worries may prevent you from enjoying your life to the fullest today.

Lucky Number: 1
Aries (♈) (meaning "ram") is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude (0°≤ λ <30º), which area the Sun transits, on average, between March 21 to April 20 each year.

According to the Tropical system of astrology, the Sun enters the sign of Aries when it reaches the northern vernal equinox, which occurs around March 21. Due to the fact that the Earth takes approximately 365.25 days to go around the Sun, the precise time of the equinox is not the same each year, and generally will occur about 6 hours later each year, with a jump of a day (backwards) on leap years. Since 1900 the vernal equinox date ranged from March 20 at 08h (2000) to March 21 at 19h (1903) (all times UTC).

In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Aries from 15 April to 15 May (approximately).
Individuals born during these dates, depending on which system of astrology they subscribe to, may be called Arians or Ariens.
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